James's Story

At Stop For Life Oxon we firmly believe that it’s never too late to quit smoking and change your life for the better. Last year we supported James, who at the age of 68 had been smoking for 52 years. James decided to contact the service when he had started to notice some of the negative impacts smoking was having on his health. 

‘I really wasn’t feeling good in myself and thought that something really needed to change. The cost was also really adding up on top of the cost of everything else going up. I was smoking 40 cigarettes a day at one point which was just really out of control’ 

‘In the past I have quit for short periods of time but being around other people who smoked was a trigger and I would easily give up and start the habit again’ 

James was assigned his smoking cessation coach Ian who supported him with one-to-one, personalised support over the phone. ‘The calls from Ian were really helpful. It was great to have someone checking in with me to see how I was getting on and offer words of wisdom.’ 

‘I also used nicotine replacement lozenges which were a massive help. They didn’t interfere with my dentures like the gum has in the past and helped to reduce my cravings for nicotine’  

James successfully quit smoking with our support in June 2022 and hasn’t smoked a cigarette since. Whenever he walks past someone smoking in the street he has developed his own distraction technique to make sure he isn’t tempted to go and buy a packet of cigarettes. ‘I keep a packed of Tic Tac’s on me at all times. If ever I feel the urge to smoke I grab Tic Tac, it gives me something do with my hands and mouth in place of a cigarette and the craving quickly goes away.’ 

James has been so pleased with the service he received that he has encouraged his friends and family to follow in his footsteps. ‘It’s 3 months of support and you don’t pay a penny. You will regain your health and improve your life – what more could you ask for?’ 

When asked what piece of advice he would give to someone who is thinking about quitting smoking with Stop For Life Oxon James said: ‘It’s a no brainer – just go for it! If you don’t sign up you’re losing out on something that could save your life’. 

If like James you want to quit smoking for good – we are here to support you for FREE! 

Get in touch today: 

Call 0800 122 3790 

Or text STOPOXFORD to 60777