Gareth's Story 

Gareth from Oxford successful quit smoking last year with the help of Stop For Life Oxon. With one-to-one support from his dedicated coach Sara, he went from smoking 30 cigarettes a day and spending over £100 per week to being completely smoke free in just 12 weeks. 

‘There were a number of reasons I decided it was time to quit. With the cost-of-living crisis making everything more expensive, quitting smoking was something I could do to help keep my outgoings down. I’d also started to worry about the effects on my health and being fit and well enough to keep up with my kids’. 

Gareth had tried to quit smoking in the past but never successfully stayed smoke free for more than a few months.  

‘I’ve tried other methods in the past but had always eventually turned back to cigarettes to cope when life became stressful. With other methods such as hypnosis, I don’t feel like it fully prepared me to keep away from cigarettes long-term. It would work for a few months and then someone would offer me a cigarette I’d instantly be back to old habits.’ 

Gareth worked with his Stop For Life coach Sara to set out a quit plan that would fit in with his lifestyle. He received regular support over the phone and decided to try nicotine patches to help with the initial cravings. 

‘I found the first few days really tough but Sara was full of lots of useful advice that really helped me to keep strong and not give in. When the cravings hit in the afternoon, I would distract myself by doing some housework or making some food and before I knew it I had created a new routine for myself. It was reassuring to know that I had Sara’s support and I never felt like I was doing it alone’. 

Through a mix of personalised coach support and patches, Gareth has successfully quit smoking for good and hasn’t been tempted to touch a cigarette since. 

‘I couldn’t be happier that I am now completely smoke free. I feel like I can breathe properly now and am able to run about and play with my kids without feeling out of breath as I did before’. 

Since quitting, Gareth has had a new lease of life and has enjoyed spending the money he has saved on his children. His sense of smell and taste are returning and he is enjoying going out for meals and being able to properly taste food again! 

Beyond the benefits to his health and finances, Gareth’s noticed a big change in the relationship he has with his children. ‘When I smoked my kids didn’t want to hug me as they always complained about the smell of cigarettes on my clothes. Since I’ve quit it’s so lovely to hug them more now and know that I have made this change for them as well as myself.’ 

Gareth wishes he had quit years ago and would advise anyone who is thinking about quitting to get in touch with Stop For Life Oxon. ‘I’d been ready to quit smoking for a while but I needed to find the right support for me. Thank you Stop For Life Oxon for helping me change my life’. 

If like Gareth you want to change your life through personalised one-to-one support to help you quit smoking for good, get in touch today! 

Call 0800 122 3790 

Or text STOPOXFORD to 60777